Sexy Chat - How Far Should You Go?

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We all love a bit of sexy chat but where are the boundaries? Many of us feel like we know when to stop or change the tone when chatting, but the truth is most of us do not.

There are a few golden rules to sexy chat so you don't overstep the mark and turn off your chatting partner's interest.

Golden rules to chatting sexy

Chat with women or men is all about having fun and enjoying yourself, but not at the expense of the other person involved. The same applies when talking sexy. You need to ensure you are catering to your wants and needs but doing so with the other person's feelings in mind.

The easiest way to get onto sex talk is starting off by having a cheeky reason to call the person you wish to chat up. Once you have used this opening conversation you need to then sweetly work your charm and engage in sexy chat. Finding out how to engage in sex via live UK chat is an interesting area that involves strategically steering the talk onto the topic of sex. This doesn't mean simply saying “Alright love, fancy some?”

To do this you need to first gauge the person you are talking to. One person's sex chat is another person's worst nightmare. To do this you simply move gently onto the topic of sex and see how far the girl or guy you are talking to is willing to go themselves. You need to stay on the same level so you can both enjoy talking sexy. Avoid more elaborate sex talk that could make the other party uneasy. It is very easy to find yourself enjoying the chat a little too much and go into too graphic detail.

There are certain areas you should never engage in during sex chat. These involve fantasies of harm or anything illegal, as they are certainly going to make the other party exit quickly.

Sex talk is about having fun

Sex chat is about having fun, engaging with the girl or guy you are chatting to and seeing how far you both can go in an enjoyable fashion. Many people who get on well during their sex chat end up potentially meeting further down the line and maybe even putting into practise what they spoke about during their chat.

If you are thought provoking, thoughtful and charming in the same breath, then you may find sex chat will come easily to you and it can really spice up your life in a stimulating and physically enjoyable way.

All you need to do is ensure you don't overstep the boundaries and always keep the other girl's or guy's feelings in mind, it is a two way conversation after all, not just about getting your rocks off!

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