Most men using online dating sites and phone chat sites are nice fellahs who are genuinely looking for a woman to chat to. Unfortunately, there are bad apples in every batch. If you want to avoid getting mixed up with a toxic man, or a ‘player' you'd better learn how to spot him.
What is a Toxic Man?
He's the man who'll break your heart, who just wants top play around, and who will probably try to chat up your best friend or your mum as soon as your back is turned. He dates as many woman at a time as he can, he'll cancel dates at the last minute, possibly stand you up, and definitely drop you the moment that something more interesting comes along.
How to Spot those Men
Toxic Men tend to be natural charmers, that's how they get hold of all the ladies in the first place. A toxic man will shower you with compliments and make you feel great about yourself, at first. This man knows how to get women to fell madly in love with him though. He's confident, good looking, and knows how to talk to women. Basically that old adage that ‘every girl loves a bad boy' rings true with Toxic Man. You'll feel inexplicably attracted him yet you'll know in the back of your mind that you really should be running for the hills.
Types of Toxic Men
Most people can agree that true Toxic Men can be divided into three types. The Ego-Toxic plays because he loves to have women falling at his feet. He can easily be mistaken for someone who simply needs to be loved, which can seem sweet at first, but you'll quickly realise that he needs attention from lots of women; not just you.
Social-Toxic Man picks up girls to impress his friends. He pulls more often than any of his buddies and they hold him in high regard. Thing is, he has girls on the go in every bar in town. He'll be quite happily to entertain you in your local or at home, but you'll never be allowed to venture far with him for fear of bumping into one of his other women.
Intimate-Toxic Man is in it purely for the thrills. All he thinks about is the physical side of meeting women. He wants them home and in his bed in record time then he wants them out again just as quickly. He's never the last guy to leave a club; he's always left hours before with a willing partner.
How to Avoid Toxic Men
The thing about avoiding Toxic Men is that he can be difficult to spot. If he's constantly on his phone, flirts with the barmaid, or cancels you date, alarm bells should be ringing. The sad truth is, most women have to suffer a Toxic Man before they know how to spot him.